what-is-seoLiterally – It’s Search Engine Optimization

I have had clients ask me “But what does SEO get me?” so in plain and simple non-techy language I am going to explain just ‘What is SEO.’

So, What is SEO Already? – It’s getting your website to show up in Search Engines!

Your average internet user isn’t going to memorize your web address from a billboard or a radio spot, they will type what they want into the search bar of their favorite search engine. They also love choice and they love making those choices fast!
How many people actually look on the second page of a Google search?
If you aren’t showing up on the first page, then that hurts like stepping on a Lego at 3 am.

Why Should I Care About SEO?- You mean the 6% didn’t convince you?

There are your potential customers! Get them!

There are your potential customers! Get them!

Well then, say your business is Couches and Quills, and potential customer ‘Roy’ is out on the town and he searches for ‘quills and loveseats’ on his phone.
SEO is the difference between HOPING that your website will show up first and KNOWING that it will.

Where are my SEO dollars being spent?- Behind the scenes, SEO may be confusing.

Websites are written in code, programs are written in code and, following that logic, SEO is also code. Your SEO Professional will know what codes search engines are looking for and will target ‘keywords’ for your business.
Target Keywords are search terms that potential customers would type into a search engine.
Let’s not forget the importance of social media! Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube, Pinterest, I could go on and on, social media is another important way to improve your Search Engine Ranking. Your SEO provider might offer to run your social media for you, freeing up hours of your time!

How Do I Improve my SEO?- Should You DIY SEO?

Either you can spend time learning to do it yourself, re-learn it with every google update, and then make a career out of it, or you can hire an individual or group to do it for you! I’d choose the latter.
While your SEO Pro is hidden away tapping on their keyboard, you can focus on your customers and product, because while a company logo is a one-time design, and a website or brochure reach a point where they go to print, your SEO can be improved every day!